Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Stil remember tis place? The first time reali we went out, ur cousin went to doby, my fren went watching movie in cine..... left me n u walking ard and we sat there chatting. The memerioes i had...... seems to fade day by day....
Hope that she n her bf will be happy :).... memerioes are to be kept...does she stil remember how we spent 2gether?

Friday, June 19, 2009


In my life,
the sun in the noon is missing,
the light in the dark has gone.
Left alone in the dark n dark world of my own.
Awaiting for my light to come,
Standing at the side of the path,
Waiting for me to Run towards.

Tis week is a totally boring week for me
After sch...go home slp everyday

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hmmmmmm went for sch camp from sat to sun...... nothgin much happen recently...AND AND AND PHOTOS GOING TO BE UPLOADED SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


For something gone, it would be buried in a place tat i knew.......